Kid Cudi heeft G.O.O.D Music een tijdje geleden in stilte verlaten. Dat zegt hij in een interview met een Amerikaans radiostation. Het lijkt erop dat zijn bijdrage aan het G.O.O.D Music compilatie-album ‘Cruel Summer’ meteen de laatste was. “[I’ve known] for at least like six months. I’m very forward-thinking. I’m like, ‘Next year, I want to be doing this.”
Kid Cud tekende in 2009 bij het label van Kanye West. Zijn mixtape ‘Dream On’ kwam als eerst op het label uit. “I kind of knew where I wanted to go. Then I was trying to figure out what the right decision would be…how to talk to him about it. I went through a process where I talked to Don C, and then I went and talked to Jay-Z. I got their opinions about how to approach things that I wanted to talk to him about it. Everybody gave me their blessings on how I was approaching it.”
“I’m no longer on G.O.O.D. Music,” he revealed. “[Kanye and I] were talking on the phone the other day and these are things I’ve been wanting to talk to him about me starting my own direction and he got it because you know, he’s trying to start his new path and try new things as an artist and he was just like, ‘Man, I feel you as an artist. It’s cool, whatever.”
Hij benadrukte dat hij geen ruzie heeft met Kanye West. Op de vraag wat Cudi ervan zou vinden als Kanye West aan de telefoon zou hangen om te vragen naar zijn breuk met G.O.O.D Music, antwoordt Cudi: “That would be awesome. Cause he would be like, ‘Man, Cudi is the illest.’ That’s my big brother like forever. I’ll smack the dog piss out of somebody for Kanye, man. It’s not like some beef thing; it’s just business. I got Jay and Don C’s opinions, because I’ve never wanted to offend [Kanye]. ”
Cudi’s derde solo project ‘Indicud’ komt op 23 april.